The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows us to contact the credit bureaus directly to ensure that the content of a credit report is not inaccurate, misleading, incomplete, or unverifiable in any way. If the bureaus are unable to prove that an item is accurate or cannot complete their investigation in the time-frame given by law, they must strike the item from the report.

Contrary to popular belief, consumers can dispute and validate information reported by the credit bureaus. As part of our comprehensive approach to credit restoration, we work to ensure the complete accuracy of each client’s credit report. Although consumers can dispute these items themselves, most fail to properly identify the items that impact their scores most negatively, or they simply become overwhelmed by the time-consuming, complicated healing process. As a client of US Credit Solutions, all you need to do after our initial consultation is send us the updates you receive as a response to our investigations


Most major credit restoration and management companies rely on a streamlined, automated process,(process, however,) automation comes at a cost to the consumer. It prevents companies from addressing the specific individual needs of each consumer and their unique situation. To cut costs, other companies outsource their customer service to other countries ,where representatives read stock responses from scripts that treat all customers the same way. Only a personalized approach can provide the optimal service and benefits needed to fix your credit history the right way.
Our team thinks of credit as DNA: We all have it but everyone’s is unique. We believe that the most effective way to help clients restore their credit is through a personalized and strategic approach. We offer comprehensive credit consulting solutions tailored to an individual’s needs, not a corporate standard. At US Credit Solutions, we welcome all who need change, and we have the solution to any credit conundrum.


US Credit Solutions operates 100% in the United States. Your account will never be outsourced. Our representatives are part of the communities we serve, and we are always available to answer questions. The USCS team is comprised of individuals dedicated to helping the millions of consumers plagued by credit inaccuracies, errors, and fraud. It is our mission is to help inform consumers and alleviate the stress of working with creditors and credit bureaus. Together, we can maximize your scores where they deserve to be.

Congratulations to Mark Jackson. who just signed the paperwork for his dream home.  Glad we helped you accomplish this milestone!


Mark Jackson

Mark J

US Credit Solutions literally gave me a fresh start. Before, I was stressed out and exhausted from being turned down from lender to lender. As of now, I’m currently in the phase of purchasing a home. I’m more confident and I feel more secure. I want to extend a very big THANK YOU to US Credit Solutions

Credit Building

Brandy A

Wow! Using US Credit Solutions helped me get into my FOREVER HOME. Greg helped me through all the steps to improving my credit and it worked. My credit score is 100 points above from when I started.

Macy B

Macy B

Credit Strong